TURKISH Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) announced that according to the aggregated balance sheet of companies, the total asset size in 2023 is 39 trillion 46 billion 486 million TL.
TURKSTAT announced the sector balance sheets for 2023. Accordingly; While the number of companies in 2023 will be 1 million 62 thousand 328, wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles sector took the first place with 343 thousand 339. The share of the manufacturing sector in the total number of firms was realized as 16.3 percent for 2023.
According to the aggregated balance sheet of the companies, in 2023, the total asset size was 39 trillion 46 billion 486 million TL, the total of short and long-term foreign resources was 28 trillion 435 billion 847 million TL, while the total of equity was 10 trillion 610 billion 639 million TL. The manufacturing sector ranked first among all sectors with an asset size of 11 trillion 686 billion 338 million TL. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles sector ranked second in terms of assets with 9 trillion 825 billion 977 million TL. In terms of equity, manufacturing sector ranked first with 4 trillion 256 billion 960 million TL, followed by wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles sector with 2 trillion 565 billion 565 million TL and construction sector with 723 billion 468 million TL.
According to the aggregated income statement data of companies, the aggregated net profit of all sectors in 2023 was 1 trillion 786 billion 23 million TL. Manufacturing sector had the highest net profit with 1 trillion 6 billion 313 million TL. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles sector had a net profit of 526 billion 910 million TL and professional, scientific and technical activities sector had a net profit of 115 billion 708 million TL. Real estate activities sector ended 2023 with a net loss of 103 billion 296 million TL, electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning production and distribution sector with 11 billion 632 million TL, transportation and storage sector with 8 billion 474 million TL and education sector with 5 billion 354 million TL.
Total net sales of all companies within the scope of the sector balance sheets amounted to 47 trillion 197 billion 308 million TL and total operating profit amounted to 3 trillion 409 billion 572 million TL.
Source: DHA